
Devices Covered:
Includes inflatables, haunted houses, go-karts, waterslides, bungee jumps. Excludes waterslides if they're regulated by the Dept. of Health.
Inspection Program:
Rides are inspected monthly or at every setup by state certified 3rd party inspectors hired by the ride owner. State officials perform unannounced spot checks on a frequent and random schedule.
Investigative Authority:
The ride must be shut down after a reportable accident until it's been reinspected by a qualified inspector. If the accident involves a fatality or injury resulting in death, dismemberment, significant disfigurement or permanent loss of the use of a body organ, the re-inspection must be performed by a state inspector. If the accident involves a fatality, the insurance company has to provide written approval that the ride is safe before it can be reopened.
Reporting Criteria:
An owner or lessee shall submit an accident report to the department for any accident which involves serious injury or illness or death to an individual or individuals as a result of the operation of an amusement ride or attraction. “Serious injury or illness” is an injury or illness that requires: (1) offsite emergency first aid; (2) offsite medical treatment, whether it is administered or recommended or may be required at a future date; (3) observation by a licensed physician; or (4) admission to a hospital. The term also includes an injury or illness that results in death, dismemberment, significant disfigurement or permanent loss of the use of a body organ, member, function or system.
Special Conditions
Waterslides may be regulated by the Dept. of Health.
Last Update
April 9, 2017


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