Safety Tips
Safety tips for riders of all ages
Most amusement ride injuries can be prevented if you know what to watch out for.
Top 10 Tips for Parents
Treat amusement ride safety seriously, just like traffic safety, water safety, and bike safety.
Attention Matters and So Do the Rules
Beware of patron daze, rule fudging, wiggle worms and horseplay.
Carnival Safety Video
Kids and adults can learn how to have a safe, fun time on the midway.
Minimum Height Restrictions
For some kids on some rides, minimum height limits set by manufacturers may be too low for safety.
Find the Ride that Fits
For safety's sake, make sure the ride fits the rider, especially for kids.
Patrons with Disabilities
When choosing rides for people with disabilities, be conservative and realistic.
Wild Rides
Fast Cars and Wild Rides: Whiplash, Headbanging, and Sqeezeplays.
Patron-directed Rides and Devices
Injuries are more common on patron-directed amusement rides and attractions.